run code section in nodesktop mode

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Title says it all. I always run matlab with the -nodesktop flag. I've just learned how to run a code section from within the IDE environment. Is it possible to do the same in nodesktop mode?
Here's an MWE
a = myFunction(y)
%%Code section
a = 4
Since myFunction hasn't been defined, this program snippit will crash unless it is run starting from the %%'s


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-9-17
No, you cannot do that in nodesktop mode.

更多回答(1 个)

Leo Simon
Leo Simon 2018-9-17
Figured as much. A pity though, it would be enormously helpful, and a great enhancement, for those of us who despise desktop mode.


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