How to change the default x-axis unit in a Bode diagram to Hertz?

616 次查看(过去 30 天)
Rad/s is nice for mechanical people, but I'm an EE, and I much prefer Hertz. It should be something simple, but I can't find it in the help.
  2 个评论
dpb 2018-9-22
Don't believe there is a way in the base routine; it's built entirely around rad/timeunits per the system object.
You could write a wrapper routine to convert frequency units and update the plot labels.
Chris 2025-1-4
Actually you can, click on the plot tab from linearization manager, click plot properties, click units. Change to whatever units you need.



Star Strider
Star Strider 2018-9-22
Use bodeplot (link) instead of bode.
It gives you that option, and the documentation specifically mentions that.
  4 个评论
marcel hendrix
marcel hendrix 2018-9-22
I've put the below function in my userpath . It'll do for now.
% a new bode() command that has Hz as default
function h = bodef(x)
P = bodeoptions; P.FreqUnits = 'Hz';
h = bodeplot(x,P);
Star Strider
Star Strider 2018-9-22
编辑:Star Strider 2018-9-22
That is what I would do.
I defer to bodeplot because it allows some customization. I use and plot the bode outputs only if I want other options.
I add that this was my original recommendation!


更多回答(3 个)

Tjeerd Ickenroth
Tjeerd Ickenroth 2023-5-31
Type 'ltiview' in your command window. The Linear System Analyzer will pop up. Click on: File --> Toolbox Preferences... --> Units --> Frequency: Hz
  3 个评论
Tjeerd Ickenroth
Tjeerd Ickenroth 2023-5-31
You need to change it once in the GUI and you always obtain bode plots in Hz. The setting remains even when you restart Matlab.
marcel hendrix
marcel hendrix 2023-5-31
And what when I share my function/script with others? Or use different (older) versions of MATLAB?


Dimitris Kalogiros
Dimitris Kalogiros 2018-9-22
clc;close all; clc
% test system
% bode
[mag,phase,wout] = bode(H);
%plot results, with frequency expressed at Hz
semilogx(wout(:,1)/(2*pi), 20*log10(squeeze(mag)), '-b'); zoom on; grid on;
title('magnitude'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Magnitude (dB)');
semilogx(wout(:,1)/(2*pi), squeeze(phase), '-r'); zoom on; grid on;
title('Phase'); xlabel('Frequecy (Hz)'); ylabel('Phase (deg)');
  2 个评论
Charl 2024-3-15
编辑:Charl 2024-3-15
This is the correct answer. Some of the others simply change the label to Hz without rescaling.
Meth Hai
Meth Hai 2024-7-15
%%% G1 & and G2 is your TFs
[mag1, phase1, wout1] = bode(G1);
[mag2, phase2, wout2] = bode(G2);
% Convert angular frequency (rad/s) to frequency (Hz)
freq1 = wout1 / (2 * pi);
freq2 = wout2 / (2 * pi);
% Plot the magnitude response
semilogx(freq1, 20*log10(squeeze(mag1)), '-b');
hold on;
semilogx(freq2, 20*log10(squeeze(mag2)), '-g');
grid on;
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
ylabel('Magnitude (dB)');
legend('G1', 'G2');
% Plot the phase response
semilogx(freq1, squeeze(phase1), '-r');
hold on;
semilogx(freq2, squeeze(phase2), '-m');
grid on;
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
ylabel('Phase (deg)');
legend('G1', 'G2');


Paul 2025-1-5
ctrlpref allows one to change the default units for frequency axis when plotting with bode and bodeplot (among other defaults in the Control System Toolbox). As far as I know, this preference only affects the plot, it doesn't affect the the third output from bode if using output arguments.
  4 个评论
marcel hendrix
marcel hendrix 2025-1-5
This is fine, but I wanted thet getter/setters to make sure that my programs work as intended when I share the file with somebody else, or when I work on a different machine in a different location under a different account. I am not a fan of storing everything in the cloud on potentially hostile servers, so I'd like to store these things explicitly in the code. The features I mentioned would help help in (re)setting the environment, which is always a huge hassle.
Paul 2025-1-6
Some things can be controlled programatically via settings. See Access and Modify Settings. Unfortunately, these don't cover the Control System Toolbox (why not?). As far as I know, the only way to deal with the CST is via ctrlpref, for which there is no programmatic interface (why not?), as far as I know. Those CST preferences are saved to disk somewhere somehow, so it might be possible copy them from one machine to another. You may want to open up a new question on this topic.
s = settings
s =
SettingsGroup with properties: drivingscenario: [1x1 SettingsGroup] matlab: [1x1 SettingsGroup] kits_common: [1x1 SettingsGroup] Simulink: [1x1 SettingsGroup] database: [1x1 SettingsGroup] roadrunner: [1x1 SettingsGroup] driving: [1x1 SettingsGroup] comparisons: [1x1 SettingsGroup] parallel: [1x1 SettingsGroup]



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