printing matching lines of text from a text file

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I need to write a code that prints out all matching lines of code that includes the user inputted state and the assigned value giving in the switch state. My output isn't what it's supposed to be. How can I fix this? I attached the text file. Thanks in advanced

% Project 1
fid = fopen('cities.txt', 'r'); % opens the file with read permission
state = input('Which state are you visiting ','s');
found = false;
while ~found && ~feof(fid) % tests for end of file
    if ~contains(l,state), continue, end % keep going until found
    lat_deg = str2double(l(1:2)); % defines variables for coordinates
    lat_min = str2double(l(4:5));
    long_deg = str2double(l(8:9)); 
    long_min = str2double(l(11:12));
    switch state
        case 'Alabama'
            long = 87;
        case 'Alaska' 
            long = 152;
        case 'Arizona'
            long = 111;
        case 'California'
            long = 120;
        case 'Colorado'
            lat = 39;
        case 'Connecticut'
            lat = 42;
        case 'Delaware'
            long = 76;
        case 'Florida'
            long = 82;
        case 'Georgia'
            long = 84;
        case 'Hawaii'
            lat = 21;
        case 'Idaho'
            long = 114;
        case 'Illinois'
            long = 89;
        case 'Indiana'
            long = 86;
        case 'Iowa'
            lat = 42;
        case 'Kansas'
            lat = 39;
        case 'Kentucky'
            lat = 38;
        case 'Louisiana'
            long = 92;
        case 'Maine'
            long = 69;
        case 'Maryland'
            long = 77;
        case 'Massachusetts'
            lat = 42;
        case 'Michigan'
            long = 85;
        case 'Missouri'
            long = 92;
        case 'Montana'
            lat = 47;
        case 'Nebraska'
            lat = 41;
        case 'Nevada'
            long = 117;
        case 'New Hamphsire'
            long = 72;
        case 'New Jersey'
            long = 75;
        case 'New Mexico'
            long = 106;
        case 'New York'
            lat = 42;
        case 'North Carolina'
            lat = 36;
        case 'North Dakota'
            lat = 48;
        case 'Ohio'
            lat = 40;
        case 'Oklahoma'
            lat = 36;
        case 'Oregon'
            lat = 45;
        case 'Pennsylvania'
            lat = 41;
        case 'Rhode Island'
            long = 72;
        case 'South Carolina'
            lat = 34;
        case 'South Dakota'
            lat = 44;
        case 'Tennessee'
            lat = 36;
        case 'Texas'
            lat = 31;
        case 'Utah'
            long = 112;
        case 'Vermont'
            long = 73;
        case 'Washington'
            lat = 47;
        case 'West Virginia'
            long = 81;
        case 'Wisconsin'
            long = 90;
        case 'Wyoming'
            lat = 43;
    for long = long_deg
        if ~contains(l,state), continue, end
    for lat = lat_deg
        if ~contains(l,state), continue, end



OCDER 2018-10-17
This looks like a bad approach. If your input file uses a 3-digit degree, then all your values are ruined.
lat_deg = str2double(l(1:2));
lat_min = str2double(l(4:5));
long_deg = str2double(l(8:9)); %WHAT IF it's a 3-digit degree?
long_min = str2double(l(11:12));
For instance:
72°47N 56°09W Upernavik Greenland Denmark
71°39N 128°52E Tiksi Sakha Republic Russia
-- -- -- --
For Russia, str2double(l(8:9)) will NOT get "128".
Here are some pointers. Not sure what you need:
%Consider reading all the file text at once, if it's not too large. This prevent your program from accumulating too many open files (fopen + error leaves a lot of open files).
FID = fopen('cities.txt', 'r');
HDR = regexp(fgetl(FID), '\t', 'split');
FMT = repmat('%s', 1, numel(HDR));
TXT = textscan(FID, FMT, 'delimiter', '\t');
Data = [TXT{:}];
%Use sscanf to get the degree, minutes, and NSEW direction
DegMinDir = sscanf(Data{1, 1}, '%d°%d%c');
Deg = DegMinDir(1);
Min = DegMinDir(2);
Dir = char(DegMinDir(3));
%If you want to find all Data for a particular state, use ismember or strcmpi
state = 'Aysén';
StateLoc = strcmpi(Data(:, 4), state);
StateData = Data(StateLoc, :);
%I recommend adding some protection against wrong state names inputted by the user
%such as "alabama" or "Alabama " instead of exactly "Alabama"
switch (lower(strtrim(state)))
case 'alabama'
error('not a valid state name');
  6 个评论
Edgar Gonzalez
Edgar Gonzalez 2018-10-18
Apologies for the large amount of questions, but I'm having problems stripping my output.
lat =
3×1 cell array
for this output I only need (43,42,40) so I can organize them in order:(40,42,43). I'm trying to use strip() but that only stripped 'N'. How can I strip these of everything else?
OCDER 2018-10-18
strip is for removing whitespace, as what help strip returns:
strip Remove leading and trailing whitespaces
To get the first number of lat, you could do this.
lat = {'43°10N';
latDeg = cellfun(@(x) sscanf(x, '%d', 1), lat);
Look up sscanf.


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