Simulink coder fatal error c1083

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Thierry Mba
Thierry Mba 2018-10-19
编辑: Ayush 2024-11-28
Dear Mathworks-Team,
im trying to generate a code with simulink coder (Matlab r2018a Studentversion)and Visual Studio professional 2017. Unfortunatly i have this error. Please is this error already known.
Best Regards
T. Mba
Otis Berlin GmbH
  2 个评论
Jiangfeng Liu
Jiangfeng Liu 2021-3-26
Hello, i am facing the same problem,have you solved it?
Austin Stark
Austin Stark 2022-1-19
I am also wondering if a solution has been found for this?


回答(1 个)

Ayush 2024-11-28
编辑:Ayush 2024-11-28
I also faced the similar error: fatal error C1083 until R2018b release when following this example from the documentation:
% execute this in R2018b release to open that documentation
web(fullfile(docroot, 'coder/ug/standalone-c-c-executables-from-matlab-code.html'))
However, it was fixed in R2019a release.
As a workaround you can try to remove (the missing file):
#include "stdlib.h"
line from the main.c file.


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