How to get three sub matrices from a matrix of any order? How we will do for general matrix? I have given an example of order 5.

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For example:
A= [1 4 5 7 8;
4 2 6 9 10;
5 6 3 1 1;
7 9 1 3 5;
8 10 1 5 4];
Ist sub matrix is A11=[1 4 5; 4 2 6 ; 5 6 3]; order should be 3by3,
2nd sub matrix is B11=[7 9 1; 8 10 1]; order should be 2by3,
3rd sub matrix is C11=[3 5; 5 4]; order should be 2by2.
  3 个评论



madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2018-10-28
A= [1 4 5 7 8;
4 2 6 9 10;
5 6 3 1 1;
7 9 1 3 5;
8 10 1 5 4];
C11=a(end-1:end, end-1:end)

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