Calculate mean percentage difference from vectors

16 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have two vectors
A = [0.0867 0.2838 0.2586 NaN 0.2550 0.5621 0.3236]
B = [0.2212 0.3587 0.7341 0.6815 0.4522 1.3072 0.6816]
I would like calculate the mean percentage difference
I.e. desired outcome : "B over(under)estimate A by 14%" and "B is greater(or less) than A 70% over length(A)"
mean_diff = some_function(A,B) = 14 (in %)

回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-10-28
Did you try
mean((B - A) ./ A - 1, 'omitnan')
??? It gives 0.1432. It sounds a lot like homework so in case it is, I'll let you finish making it into a function and using an if statement and fprintf() to print out the desired ""B over(under)estimat ....." string.


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