How can I simulate faults in induction motors with simulink?

21 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to create models in simulink to simulate faults in induction motors, for example, broken bars, shortcircuits in stator, ... With these models I want to connect the motor to a driver, and then analyze the intensity's harmonics content to detect the type of failure.

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Vidip 2024-5-9
Simulink Fault Analyzer performs fault injection simulations without modifying your design. Faults can be timed or triggered by system conditions. You can manage faults that are modeled in Simulink, Simscape™, and System Composer™. Fault effects can be analyzed with Simulation Data Inspector. You can conduct fault sensitivity analyses using the Multiple Simulations panel.
To get more information about how you can simulate faults according to your model, refer to the documentation links below-


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