Simulink rapid accelerator slowly filling HD

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am running an optimisation problem which requires to run a Simulink model several times to find the minimum of the cost function. The Simulink model is set up in rapid accelerator mode and run in parallel on different cores. The problem is that Matlab is slowly filling the hard drive with temporary files (.dmr files in ..AppData\Local\Temp). Is there any way I can avoid Matlab from building up these massive files?

回答(1 个)

Tejas 2024-10-21
Hello Giorgio,
To prevent the creation of large .DMR files, consider using the Simulation Data Inspector settings to set global limits on the amount of data saved. This approach helps in preventing temporary files from using up all the disk space. For more details, refer to this MATLAB answer: .
Alternatively, if the Simulink model is run multiple times using a 'for' loop, the following command can be used after each iteration to clear temporary files. More information on this command can be found in the documentation: .


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