Error using internal.stats.parseArgs (line 50) nparams = length(pnames)

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi experts,
I am trying to create a loop which can call a a function for harmonic analysis and run a stepwise time series regression analysis for every grid point in my data set 3600 by 276 where 3600 is index to a grid point and 276 is the time vector. When I run the script, matlab says something wrong with line 50 of the parseArgs.m script:
50 nparams = length(pnames);
Could anyone please give me an insight into how to fix this error.
  1 个评论
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2018-11-12
Show us the full and exact text of the error message, everything displayed in red text. Don't paraphrase, copy it exactly. The exact text will help us determine the cause of the error.


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