How to combine 340 sub matrices of 117 by 1 into one matrix of 9945 by 1. I'm working on ofdm(subcarriers=128, cp length=32) and got 117 data carriers. That's why ofdm requires input matrix of 117 by 1

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kindly tell me how to combine these subsets in one matrix. for example I'm working on following lines.
for n=1:85
Baserow = (n-1) * 117;
for n1 = 1:4
Subset = st(Baserow+(1:117),n1, :)
txSig = ofdmMod(Subset);
>> y = awgn(txSig, SNR(k));
>> sigRx = ofdmDemod(y);
I'm getting 340 sub matrices of "Sigtx" of 117 by 1. How to combine them in a single matrix?
  4 个评论
Sajid Sarwar
Sajid Sarwar 2018-11-18
M = 4; % Modulation alphabet
k = log2(M); % Bits/symbol
numSC = 128; % Number of OFDM subcarriers
cpLen = 32; % OFDM cyclic prefix length
ofdmMod = comm.OFDMModulator('FFTLength',numSC,'CyclicPrefixLength',cpLen);
ofdmDemod = comm.OFDMDemodulator('FFTLength',numSC,'CyclicPrefixLength',cpLen);
channel = comm.AWGNChannel('NoiseMethod','Variance', ...
'VarianceSource','Input port');
ofdmDims = info(ofdmMod)
numDC = ofdmDims.DataInputSize(1)
Stephen23 2018-11-19
@Sajid Sarwar: please do NOT post the same question multiple times. It does not make it faster or easier for you to get help on this forum.


回答(1 个)

Stephen23 2018-11-18
编辑:Stephen23 2018-11-18
Add these three lines to your code:
C = cell(4,85);
for ii = 1:85
for jj = 1:4
sigRx = ...
C{jj,ii} = sigRx;
V = vertcat(C{:})
  11 个评论
Sajid Sarwar
Sajid Sarwar 2018-11-19
Stephen Cobeldick sir, "combine 340 sub matrices of 117 by 1 into one matrix of 9945 by 4" as follows:
for n=1:85
Baserow = (n-1) * 117;
for n1 = 1:4
Subset = st(Baserow+(1:117),n1, :)
txSig = ofdmMod(Subset);
>> y = awgn(txSig, SNR(k));
>> sigRx = ofdmDemod(y);
then output of sigRx(340 matrices of 117 by 1=9945 by 4
(a_1,1 a_1,2 a_1,3 a_1,4
uptill uptill uptill uptill
a_117,1 a_117,2 a_117,3 a_117,4
uptill uptill uptill uptill
a_9945,1 a_9945,2 a_9945,3 a_9945,4)
i have tried to write a matrix of 9945 by 4, which I required
Stephen23 2018-11-19
编辑:Stephen23 2018-11-19
@Sajid Sarwar: why are you just repeating your comments? So far you have totally ignored anything that I have written: your code does not show any attempt to use what I have shown you in my answer or my comments, so I am not quite sure how I can help you, if you just totally ignore what I write.


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