Is it possible to export stresses computed with the PDE Modeler App?

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When solving problems using the PDE Modeler app, one can visualize nodal results (displacements, for example, in the case of a structural mechanics problem) as well as derived results (various stress formulations, for the same type of problem). When exporting the solution, only the nodal results are exported. Is there a way to also export the different stress components that are computed in the elements? Since they can be visualized, I suppose there must be a way to export them, directly or indirectly.


Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar 2018-11-27
I would suggest using the programmatic workflow instead of PDEModeler, where you get direct access to solution and its derived quantity. Refer to the example: Stress Concentration in Plate with Circular Hole.
If you want to stay with PDEModeler workflow for some reason, then you can export the solution 'u' to workspace from the Solve menu and the use pdesmech to compute the respective derived quantity. I would suggest shifting to programmatic workflow for more recent capabilities.

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