How to get data based on first and second column

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hallo, I have matrix (793576x3) that consist of x,y,z, which are x = longitude and y = latitude and z = depth.
I want to get z data only for coordinate x,y (92,8.25),(92.5,8.0).., and so on that means +0.25 for x coordinate and -25 for y coordinate. so the results should be
x y z
92 8.25 -
92.25 8.0 -
92.50 7.75 -


dpb 2018-11-25
编辑:dpb 2018-11-26
mxx=max(A(:,1)); % max X coordinate in array
ix=ismember(A(:,1),[92:0.025:mxx]); % locations in A of desired values
B=A(ix,:): % those elements of A
  2 个评论
dpb 2018-11-26
--Answer moved to Comments. dpb--
Thank you very much for your answer. much appriciated
dpb 2018-11-26
Glad to help; NB: left off the max function on first code line originally...


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