I have a .txt file which is not in a 'MATLAB' friendly format and I am trying to manipulate the data so that I can then delimit it and plot it later
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I have attached the .txt file I am trying to parse.
The data is set out in a way where the Date, Time, Latitude and Longitude are on the line above. I then want the timestamp along with the >FFT response (which I could then delimit later on). So far I have got to identifying where the data I need is, but cannot get it to display what those lines are and then copy that to a new text file to import/manipulate. Anything I do I get back "Undefined operator '==' for input arguments of type 'cell'." I want to keep this as simple code as possible.
clear all
%% chopping data up
filename = 'AMT_20181115082845.txt';
delimiterIn = ' ';
Raw = importdata(filename,delimiterIn);
Copy = Raw(2:end);
Raw = Raw(1:end-1);
Table = [Raw(3:end), Copy(3:end)];
%% FFT find
FFTindex = strfind(Table,'>FFT','ForceCellOutput', true);
A = [FFTindex(:,2), FFTindex(:,2)];
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回答(1 个)
I don't know what format you want ultimately, nor what can change in the format of the file. This is how I'd start:
filecontent = fileread('AMT_20181115082845.txt'); %read whole file at once
ffts = regexp(filecontent, '([^\r\n]+)[\r\n]+>FFT:([^\r\n]+)', 'tokens'); %get line before >FFT and content on that line
ffts = vertcat(ffts{:}); %convert to Nx2 cell array
datlonglat = cellfun(@(datlonglat) textscan(datlonglat, '%f/%f/%f,%f:%f:%f,%f,%f'), ffts(:, 1), 'UniformOutput', false); %parse line before ffts
datlonglat = cell2mat(vertcat(datlonglat{:})); %convert to Nx8 matrix
data = table(datetime(datlonglat(:, 1:6)), datlonglat(:, 7), datlonglat(:, 8), ffts(:, 2), 'VariableNames', {'datetime', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'ffts'})
I have no idea how the ffts part should be parsed, I've left as is.
2 个评论
Possibly, the simplest is to change the initial regular expression so that the 2nd token only captures the relevant part of that FFT line and textscan that:
filecontent = fileread('AMT_20181115082845.txt'); %read whole file at once
ffts = regexp(filecontent, '([^\r\n]+)[\r\n]+>FFT:[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,([^\r\n]+)', 'tokens'); %get line before >FFT and content on that line after the first 6 comma separated entries
ffts = vertcat(ffts{:}); %convert to Nx2 cell array
datlonglat = cellfun(@(datlonglat) textscan(datlonglat, '%f/%f/%f,%f:%f:%f,%f,%f'), ffts(:, 1), 'UniformOutput', false); %parse line before ffts
datlonglat = cell2mat(vertcat(datlonglat{:})); %convert to Nx8 matrix
fftvalues = cellfun(@(fftv) textscan(fftv, '%f', 'Delimiter', ';'), ffts(:, 2), 'UniformOutput', false)
fftvalues = cell2mat([fftvalues{:}])';
data = table(datetime(datlonglat(:, 1:6)), datlonglat(:, 7), datlonglat(:, 8), fftvalues, 'VariableNames', {'datetime', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'fftvalues'})
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