I have written a function which calculates temperatur depending on input paramter. This Temperatur will be in vector form. Depending on input quantities, I will calcultes the temperatur.
function temp=fun_temp(param)
I also have one another vector varible which is the actual temperatur vector for the same input. Now I want to estimate the parameter by comparing both the vector, one from above function and second from which I already have(actual).
%param = set of varible to be estimated
p = param.Continuous('x',2)
opts = sdo.OptimizeOptions('Method','lsqnonlin');
opts.MethodOptions.OptimalityTolerance = 1.5e-3;
opt_fun = @(p) fun_temp(p)
[param_opt,opt_info] = sdo.optimize(opt_fun,p,opts);
Actually this works with Paramter Estimation Toolbox of Simulink. I have Simulink model which calculates the Temperatur and by using this toolbox, i could find the optimal parameter. But Now I wanted to do same thing by NOT USING SIMULINK and just MATLAB to find the same paramter.
The above code throws a following error.
Error using sdo.optimize (line 115)
There are no design objectives to meet. The objective function argument of the optimize command must return a structure with at
least one objective to minimize or constraint to satisfy. See sdo.optimize for more information.
I dont know how this function works. Does any one know ?