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How to convert 182*1 struct with 20 fields to 1*1 struct with 20 fields?

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I have 20*182 cell which I need to convert to struct. By using cell2struct command I am getting 182*1 struct but I want 1*1 struct.
Source data fileCapture.PNG
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回答(1 个)

Guillaume 2018-12-11
"This one is very close to what I need. In final answer I need 182*1 double instead of 1*182 double"
Well that's trivially fixed with your existing code by transposing your vector, so by replacing:
S.(data{jj}) = [data{jj,2:end}];
S.(data{jj}) = [data{jj,2:end}]';
Or you could do this:
%demo data: %Not sure why we bother about the first row since it's unused
data = [{'Description'}, compose('Name%02d', 1:182);
compose('Parm%02d', (1:20)'), num2cell(rand(20, 182))]
%conversion to structure
newdata = num2cell(cell2mat(data(2:end, 2:end))', 1);
S = cell2struct(newdata, data(2:end, 1), 2)



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