how to sum the elements of the same row in a cell array?

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Hello guys,
I ave a cell array of 1450 rows and 2 columns(1450*2)
Some rows in column 1 are repeated but with different contents in column2
How can i get these repeated rows in sigle row with the sum of their contents ?
I appreciate any helps:


Stephen23 2018-12-13
编辑:Stephen23 2018-12-13
>> C = {'A','hello';'B','live';'C','cat';'A','world';'B','fast'}‡
C =
'A' 'hello'
'B' 'live'
'C' 'cat'
'A' 'world'
'B' 'fast'
>> [U,~,X] = unique(C(:,1));
>> F = @(n) C(n==X,2).';
>> V = arrayfun(F,1:max(X),'uni',0);
>> Z = [U,V(:)]
Z =
'A' {'hello','world'}
'B' {'live','fast'}
'C' {'cat'}
  3 个评论
chocho 2018-12-13
@Stephen Cobeldick see what i got for my data just tested one line?
'R-HSA-3000171:R-HSA-3000171' 1x4 cell
This row should have
'R-HSA-3000171:R-HSA-3000171' 'PDGFB, TTR, COL4A6,LAMA1,COL4A5 ,COL11A2,COL3A1'
Yr example is sample.
Stephen23 2018-12-13
编辑:Stephen23 2018-12-13
@chocho: You can easily concatenate those character vectors together, if that is what you want to do, just change the anonymous function:
>> F = @(n) [C{n==X,2}];
>> V = arrayfun(F,1:max(X),'uni',0);
>> Z = [U,V(:)]
Z =
'A' 'helloworld'
'B' 'livefast'
'C' 'cat'
Or perhaps you want to join them with commas, this is also easy:
>> F = @(n) sprintf('%s, ',C{n==X,2});
>> V = arrayfun(F,1:max(X),'uni',0);
>> Z = [U,strtrim(V(:))]
Z =
'A' 'hello, world,'
'B' 'live, fast,'
'C' 'cat,'


更多回答(1 个)

KSSV 2018-12-13
编辑:KSSV 2018-12-13
C = cell(5,2) ;
C{1,1} = 'apple' ; C{1,2} = 'red' ;
C{2,1} = 'apple' ; C{2,2} = 'round' ;
C{3,1} = 'grapes' ; C{3,2} = 'green' ;
C{4,1} = 'strawberry' ; C{4,2} = 'sweet' ;
C{5,1} = 'grapes' ; C{5,2} = 'small' ;
[c,ia,ib] = unique([C(:,1)]) ;
iwant = cell(length(c),2) ;
for i = 1:length(c)
iwant{i,1} = c{i} ;
iwant{i,2} = strjoin(C(ib==i,2)) ;
  4 个评论
chocho 2018-12-13
KSSV Could you update yr code to got my iwant plz i want the ',' between in ?
without it i can't continue my work!
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-12-13
I see that he asked for your data (which you could attach in a .mat file with the paper clip icon) and you chose not to. If you make it easy for people to help you, not hard, then you'd get an answer sooner - you'd probably have had the solution by now.



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