Feature Extraction using deep autoencoder

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have filtered my ecg signal of 108000*1 length and then divided into blocks using window size of 64 samples each. Now i need to extract feature from each window using deep autoencoder in MATLAB. any help or idea how can i perform this? Thanks in advance.

回答(1 个)

BERGHOUT Tarek 2019-4-11
1) you must create a data set of this windows , dataset =[window1;window2; window3 ...................].
2) train these dataset with an AES.
3) the hidden layer will be your new extructed dataset;
  2 个评论
Shankar Parmar
Shankar Parmar 2022-3-4
How can I extract this Hidden Layer in MATLAB using
trainAutoencoder command.
arahiche 2023-9-28
编辑:arahiche 2023-9-28
To access the extracted features you need to use encode function.
here is an example;
hiddenSize = 100; % for example
AE_model = trainAutoencoder(Input_data,hiddenSize);
% you can view you model using this function
% To access the latent code generated
features = encode(AE_model,Input_data);



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