vsim does not find modelsim - how do I install modelsim? is it part of matlab installation? where do I finde the correct installation zip-file?

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I would like to run a cosimulation but I get the following error:
>> vsim
Error using hdlsim/l_GetModelSimLibInfo (line 527)
Could not find ModelSim executable vsim. Make sure that ModelSim is installed on this
machine and its executables are on the system path.
Error in hdlsim (line 123)
libInfo = l_GetModelSimLibInfo;
Error in vsim (line 110)
so how do I get Modelsim on my windows 10 - Link to download


Stefanie Schwarz
Stefanie Schwarz 2018-12-28
编辑:Stefanie Schwarz 2018-12-28
ModelSim is a third-party HDL simulation environment proprietary to Mentor Graphics. Please contact your company's IT department or the vendor for installation files and instructions:
  4 个评论
Michael Sommer
Michael Sommer 2019-1-4
yes please at least for FPGA Hardware you usually get on for free. I guess it should not be a full blown version but enough to run your tutorial / video. Thanks
Stefanie Schwarz
Stefanie Schwarz 2019-1-11
I see what you are referring to. However, HDL Verifier actually requires a "full" HDL simulator. Free versions like Modelsim-Intel Starter Edition won't work with HDL Verifier since a required interface (FLI) is disabled.


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