Unable to see Data Translation DT9824 with Analog Input Recorder

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
With Analog Input Recorder I get 'No supported devices were found'
With data Acquisition tool I can select the device and set up a session, but when I try to run the session I get
"Error using datoolCallbacks
Property assignment is not allowed when the object is empty. Use subscripted assignment to create an array element.
Error in datoolCallbacks
Error in setupFigureLayout
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback."


Vishal Bhutani
Vishal Bhutani 2019-1-9
Have you installed the driver/adapter for the Data Translation? If already installed provide the link from where driver/adapter is downloaded.
The error is not quite relevant to Data Acquisition Toolbox.
Hope it helps.

更多回答(2 个)

Anoop Joy
Anoop Joy 2019-4-10
As of now, Analog Input Recorder App supports only the following vendors:
  • National Instruments (Voltage Channels)
  • Direct Sound (Audio Channels)
  1 个评论
Rémi Guisse
Rémi Guisse 2019-5-13
Thank you for this answer !
Do you know if the data translation or measurement computing DAQ will be available one day ?


Stephen Smith
Stephen Smith 2019-1-9
Everything works from commansd line and the Data Acquisition Tool app also appears functional, but the Analog input tool does not see the connected DT9824 device with a 'no supported devices were found' message.


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