how can i remove bits from a 8 bit pixel ?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
There is an 8 bit pixel and im considered as 5 bits of msb and 3 bits of lsb . so i want to remove 3 lsbs from the pixel. is it possible?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-1-7
No. In MATLAB all of the numeric datatypes , and char as well , are defined as being multiples of 8 bits long. It is not possible to remove 3 bits from any numeric datatype or from char.
The size of the datatype logical is not specified in MATLAB . On the other hand there is no documented mechanism for setting more than true or false for logical . There is evidence that logical is one byte and that it could be hacked to store additional values... but none of those hacks would permit removing 3 bits from a logical .
I recommend that instead of trying to remove bits from pixels that you extract bits instead . see bitget and bitset.
  2 个评论
niranjan v
niranjan v 2019-1-10
thank you sir for giving valuble information but i have to work on first 5 bits only and i dont need remaining 3 bits. is this possible sir?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-1-10
bitget can tell you the value of those bits.
or if the datatype is uint8 then divide the value by 8.


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