Using a function with multiple variable

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to create a function (from an equation) with four variables: lambda,n_crystal,n_sample and bounce_angle. A colleage of mine has been able to create code in python which defines the function and appends it and I am trying to translate it into matlab and failing.
The python code reads as follows:
def dp(lam,n_crys,n_sample,phi):
return lam/bottom
def microns_from_wavenumbers(wavenumber):
return 10000.0/wavenumber
The code above is the equation I want to define, with the only difference being my colleage replacing variable name 'bounce_angle' with 'phi'.
for wavenumber in wavenumbers:
dp_Ge.append(dp(lam,Ge_IOR_n_interp(lam), water_IOR_n_interp(lam), bounce_angle_Ge))
And this code shows how I want to append the function (ignore the variables). This essentially takes the interpolated files: Ge_IOR_n_interp and water_IOR_n_interp and changes the length of them to match the length of wavenumbers, then inputs them and the other calculated variables into the function to give dp_Ge a matrix of values.
This is what I have come up with in matlab:
dp = @(lam,n_crystal,n_sample,bounce_angle) lam/(2*pi*n_crytsal*sqrt((sind(bounce_angle)^2) - (n_sample/n_crystal)^2));
dp_Ge = [];
for i = 1:length(wavenumber);
lamda = 10000./wavenumber;
theta_atr_Ge = 90 - a_Ge;
dp_Ge = append(f(lamda,Ge_interp,water_interp,theta_atr_Ge));
This doesn't work, but after reading about anonymous functions I'm still lost as to where I've gone wrong.
Any help is thoroughly appreciated!


Torsten 2019-1-7
编辑:Torsten 2019-1-7
function main
%Manual inputs
a_Ge = 9.64;
a_ZnS = 26.4;
%Reading files
water_files = csvread('Water_IOR_Hale.csv');
water_wavenumber = water_files(:,1);
water_refractive = water_files(:,2);
Ge_files = csvread('Ge_IOR_Li-293K.csv');
Ge_wavenumber = Ge_files(:,1);
Ge_refractive = Ge_files(:,2);
%Angles of incidence
Ge_incidence = 36.2;
%Creating wavenumebr inputs
wavenumber = linspace(1000,3000,2000);
% Caclculating penetration depth
lambda = 10000./wavenumber;
Ge_interp = interp1(Ge_wavenumber,Ge_refractive,lambda,'linear');
water_interp = interp1(water_wavenumber,water_refractive,lambda,'linear');
dp = @(lam,n_crystal,n_sample,bounce_angle) lam./(2.*pi.*n_crystal.*sqrt((sind(bounce_angle).^2) - (n_sample./n_crystal).^2));
theta_atr_Ge = 90 - a_Ge;
dp_Ge = dp(lambda,Ge_interp,water_interp,theta_atr_Ge);
  2 个评论
mabinj 2019-1-7
Ah amazing!
Thank you so much!
So for future reference, was the loop the issue?
Torsten 2019-1-7
No. Ge_interp and water_interp were not defined correctly.


更多回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-1-7
dp_Ge(i,:) = f(lamda, other parameters )
  4 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-1-7
no colon at the end of for. MATLAB does not use colon to separate statement parts like python does.
mabinj 2019-1-7
Thank you very much for your help!
I have removed the colon and corrected the spelling for crystal and changed the function name to dp.
I don't think I was very eloquent in what I am trying to do, so here is my full code:
clear all
%Manual inputs
a_Ge = 9.64;
a_ZnS = 26.4;
%Reading files
water_files = csvread('Water_IOR_Hale.csv');
water_wavenumber = water_files(:,1);
water_refractive = water_files(:,2);
water_interp = interp1(water_wavenumber,water_refractive,'linear');
Ge_files = csvread('Ge_IOR_Li-293K.csv');
Ge_wavenumber = Ge_files(:,1);
Ge_refractive = Ge_files(:,2);
Ge_interp = interp1(Ge_wavenumber,Ge_refractive,'linear');
%Angles of incidence
Ge_incidence = 36.2;
%Creating wavenumebr inputs
wavenumber = linspace(1000,3000,2000);
% Caclculating penetration depth
dp_Ge = [];
lamda = 10000./wavenumber;
dp = @(lam,n_crystal,n_sample,bounce_angle) lam/(2.*pi.*n_crystal.*sqrt((sind(bounce_angle).^2) - (n_sample/n_crystal).^2));
theta_atr_Ge = 90 - a_Ge;
for i = 1:length(wavenumber)
dp_Ge(i,:) = dp(lamda,Ge_interp,water_interp,theta_atr_Ge);
What I am trying to do is use the values I have in the excel files attached, (variables: 'water_interp' and 'Ge_interp' ) to create a linear interpolated matrix that can match the length of that of wavenumber.
Then, when lambda, water_interp and Ge_interp all have the same matrix length (can ignore theta_atr as it is an integer value that remains constant) dp_Ge should give me a new matrix of values of the same length.
Sorry again if I've not been clear, and thank you again for your help.



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