How to create a circles (smallest and biggest circle) based on points in an image given, then find the center and radius?

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I have extract some points from Image Scanning, I need to create 2 circle (smallest circle and largest circle) in order to calculate the error of circularity (Rmax - Rmin), in order to do that I need to find the center and radius. Did any have done this kind of case?
Below are some image as reference:
  1. Points extract from image scanning
2. Example of circles need to be done
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019-1-15
To get the minimal bounding outer circle, try this:
I asked John for the largest interior circle, and he said that's a much more difficult problem and he doesn't have code for that.
  3 个评论
Jafar Nur Arafah
Jafar Nur Arafah 2019-1-16
Hi Image Analyst, thanks for your response and understanding.
In your code, your creating your own randoms points, as for me, I already have the image with the points, so I change a little bit the code (by removing the coomand for plotting the random points and put the code to show the image and find the center, C (which I found that the coordoinate for C(x,y) = (217, 178)). Then I continue with the code you give me, but this error came out,
Can you check if my code is correct.
I = imread('test.GIF');
[ny,nx] = size(I) ;
imshow(I) ;
hold on
% Center
C = round([nx ny]/2) ;
plot(C(1),C(2),'*r') % mid point/ center of image
hold on
x = 217
y = 178
hold on
% First fit a circle
[xcFit, ycFit, RFit, a] = circfit(x,y)
% Now find the max and min fit
% Convert to a binary image
% Scale by 500 to get enough pixels to get 3 digits of precision.
scaleFactor = 500;
xScaled = scaleFactor*x;
yScaled = scaleFactor*y;
rows = ceil(scaleFactor * max(y));
columns = ceil(scaleFactor * max(x));
binaryImage = poly2mask(xScaled, yScaled, rows, columns);
subplot(2, 2, 3);
title('binaryImage', 'fontSize', fontSize);
axis('on', 'image');
hold on;
plot(xScaled, yScaled, 'b+', 'MarkerSize', 15, 'LineWidth', 2);
% Get the Euclidean Distance Transform
edtImage = bwdist(~binaryImage);
% Display the image.
subplot(1, 2, 2);
imshow(edtImage, []);
title('Distance Transform', 'fontSize', fontSize);
axis('on', 'image');
% Find the max
minRadius = max(edtImage(:))
[rowMin, colMin] = find(edtImage == minRadius, 1, 'first');
hold on;
% Plot the center of the minimum interior circle.
plot(colMin, rowMin, 'r+', 'MarkerSize', 20);
% Plot the scaled x, y
plot(xScaled, yScaled, 'b+', 'MarkerSize', 15, 'LineWidth', 2);
% Plot the circles
viscircles([xcFit * scaleFactor, ycFit * scaleFactor; colMin, rowMin], [RFit * scaleFactor; minRadius]);
% Unscale to original dimensions
xCenterMin = colMin / scaleFactor
yCenterMin = rowMin / scaleFactor
minRadius = minRadius / scaleFactor
% Print out the average/fitted circle, and the min circle.
fprintf('Fitted circle : Radius = %f at (x, y) = (%f, %f).\n', RFit, xcFit, ycFit);
fprintf('Min circle : Radius = %f at (x, y) = (%f, %f).\n', minRadius, xCenterMin, yCenterMin);
function [xc,yc,R,a] = circfit(x,y)
%CIRCFIT Fits a circle in x,y plane
% [XC, YC, R, A] = CIRCFIT(X,Y)
% Result is center point (yc,xc) and radius R. A is an optional
% output describing the circle's equation:
% x^2+y^2+a(1)*x+a(2)*y+a(3)=0
% by Bucher izhak 25/oct/1991
n=length(x); xx=x.*x; yy=y.*y; xy=x.*y;
A=[sum(x) sum(y) n;sum(xy) sum(yy) sum(y);sum(xx) sum(xy) sum(x)];
B=[-sum(xx+yy) ; -sum(xx.*y+yy.*y) ; -sum(xx.*x+xy.*y)];
xc = -.5*a(1);
yc = -.5*a(2);
R = sqrt((a(1)^2+a(2)^2)/4-a(3));
I also have save a function for circfit.m as per shown by KSSV yesterday.
function [xc,yc,R,a] = circfit(x,y)
%CIRCFIT Fits a circle in x,y plane
% [XC, YC, R, A] = CIRCFIT(X,Y)
% Result is center point (yc,xc) and radius R. A is an optional
% output describing the circle's equation:
% x^2+y^2+a(1)*x+a(2)*y+a(3)=0
% by Bucher izhak 25/oct/1991
n=length(x); xx=x.*x; yy=y.*y; xy=x.*y;
A=[sum(x) sum(y) n;sum(xy) sum(yy) sum(y);sum(xx) sum(xy) sum(x)];
B=[-sum(xx+yy) ; -sum(xx.*y+yy.*y) ; -sum(xx.*x+xy.*y)];
xc = -.5*a(1);
yc = -.5*a(2);
R = sqrt((a(1)^2+a(2)^2)/4-a(3));
I attached also the image I used 'test.GIF', for your reference.
Looking forward to your reply.
Thanks alot.
Nur Arafah Jafar


更多回答(1 个)

KSSV 2019-1-15
YOu can try to fit a circle with the coordinates (x,y) you have. Check the below code:
function [xc,yc,R,a] = circfit(x,y)
%CIRCFIT Fits a circle in x,y plane
% [XC, YC, R, A] = CIRCFIT(X,Y)
% Result is center point (yc,xc) and radius R. A is an optional
% output describing the circle's equation:
% x^2+y^2+a(1)*x+a(2)*y+a(3)=0
% by Bucher izhak 25/oct/1991
n=length(x); xx=x.*x; yy=y.*y; xy=x.*y;
A=[sum(x) sum(y) n;sum(xy) sum(yy) sum(y);sum(xx) sum(xy) sum(x)];
B=[-sum(xx+yy) ; -sum(xx.*y+yy.*y) ; -sum(xx.*x+xy.*y)];
xc = -.5*a(1);
yc = -.5*a(2);
R = sqrt((a(1)^2+a(2)^2)/4-a(3));
  3 个评论
KSSV 2019-1-15
Ou are running the code in a wrong have to save the above code into a function and call the function.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019-1-16
编辑:Image Analyst 2019-1-16
This fits a circle through the data, which could be part of the solution, but it does not find the max bounding circle (like my Answer).



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