How to set the range of X axis equal to a column vector

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I want to creat a plot with two x axis (first one in the bottom and second one in the top) . I want to set the range of the seconde axis equal to a column array (x2) (the first point in the x xis = first element in x2). I write the following code;
However, the result plot is not what I need ( I want the second axis starts from the first element of x2 but it starts from the last elemnts). Furtheremore, I don't need the second y axis. How should I correct my code in order to get the result that I want.
I have attached the data for x2 and the result plot
Thanks for you help,plot.jpg
line (X, Y)
ax1 = gca; % current axes
ax1_pos = ax1.Position; % position of first axes
ax2 = axes('Position',ax1_pos,...


Jan 2019-1-16
ax2 = axes('Position',ax1_pos,...
'XLim', [0.8, 1.35], ...
'XDir', 'reverse', ...
'YTick', [], ... % No ticks on Y axis
Or set the XTick and XTickLabel manually.
  2 个评论
Sara 2019-1-16
Thanks for yor answer, the plot is what I need, However, I think I've described my question wrongly,
I need to set one y value to 2 x value (x1=number of cycle and x2=time) and show it in one plot. for example when y= i I can specify the corresponding cycle and time (x1 and x2). How can I do it.
Jan 2019-1-16
I do not understand what "set one y value to 2 x value" means. "x1=number of cycle and x2=time" is not clear also: What is "number of cycle"? What do you want to show in one plot? In "y=i", what is "i"? Where do you "specify the corresponding cycle and time"?
I do not understand, which problem you want to solve. Please post a small example with inputs and explain the wanted output.


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