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How to calculate the mean of an image if I want to delete some value?

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the picture above show the value of my picture
I don't know how to calculate the mean of all value if I don't want the value that >185
I must use what code?
Help me please TT

回答(1 个)

madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2019-1-17
编辑:madhan ravi 2019-1-17
matrix=double(matrix); % where matrix is the matrix of which you are trying to calculate the mean of
Result=mean(matrix(:),'omitnan') % mean along all dimensions
result=mean(a,1,'omitnan') % mean along columns
result=mean(a,2,'omitnan') % mean along rows
result(~isnan(result)) % to omit NaN values from the result



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