How store vector output in matrix row

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to write a program in order to store a vector output in a matrix like this:
for k=1:K % number of iterations
for i=1:Sg(i) % Sg is a vector line of K samples
index(i,:)= randsample(1:length(matFragt), Sg(i));% matFragt is a KxK matrix
What i want is to randomly select (Sg(i)) samples in the matFragt row matrix and store each iteration in a matrix. this proposition gives an error:
" Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch."
I tried to create a cell but it gives me false result
Can any one help me please.
  3 个评论
oufouanas 2019-1-20
thank you for your reply, yes Sg values are not the same. I tried to create a cell
B = cell(1, K);
for n=1:K
for i=1:Sg(i)
B{n} = randsample(1:length(matFragt), Sg(i));
but in each element of the cell is not egal to Sg(i) and i don't get K iterations.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-1-20
You have a problem in your limit in your for i loop: you have the upper bound as Sg(i) but i has not yet been assigned a value.
It seems strange to me that the number of times you want to generate random samples just happens to be the same as the number of random samples you want to generate.


回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-1-20
nFrag = length(matFragt);
nSG = length(Sg);
B = cell(K, nSG);
for n = 1 : K
for i = 1 : nSG
B{n, i} = randperm(nFrag, Sg(i));


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