Why does button group not work?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi Guys,
I am making a GUI which, to all intents and purposes, plots some data. I wanted a set of radio buttons to change the plot colour. To make sure only one colour was selected I used a button group. When I ask to see the radio button call back I am told the uiButtonGroup (plotColour) is managing the call back. This is my button group SelectionChangeFcn code :
function plotColour_SelectionChangeFcn(hObject,eventdata)
switch get(hObject,'Tag') % Get Tag of selected object.
case 'Blue'
case 'Red'
case 'Green'
case 'Yellow'
case 'Black'
case 'cyan'
case 'Magenta'
This is the section of code which plots the data:
global noFiles
global plotLength
dataStore = getappdata(handles.figure1 , 'dataStore');
f = getappdata(handles.figure1 , 'f');
colour = getappdata(handles.figure1,'Colour');
hold on
for i = 1:noFiles
hold off
Before this I initialise 'Colour' to blue with:
The figure plots so I know it is executing the line :
But It doesn't seem to be updating the 'Colour' value. Its almost as if none of the tags in the switch/case loop are matching, but I don't know why. I have check and doubled checked the tags for the radio buttons in the property inspector.
Any help would be really appreciated, Thanks in advance :)


Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2012-7-20
First, the keyword is the American spelling of 'color' :)
Second, you don't want to set the figure's color but rather the handle to the plots' color (whether it be a line patch or whatever.
function example_buttongroup
axes('pos',[.3 .3 .5 .5]);
hL = plot(1:10);
huib = uibuttongroup('selectionchangefcn',{@schange, hL},'pos',[.1 .1 .2 .2]);
uicontrol('style','radio','string','b','parent',huib,'units','norm','pos',[.1 .5 .4 .4]);
uicontrol('style','radio','string','r','parent',huib,'units','norm','pos',[.1 .1 .4 .4]);
function schange(src,evt,hL)
  9 个评论
Tim Mottram
Tim Mottram 2012-7-23
I don't think so. Is this what I need to do? Is the selectionchangefcn special in some way and needs that extra line of code? if so where do I put that line and can you explain what you mean by ObjH being the handle of the called object? Thanks for helping, I'm really tearing my hair out here! :)
Tim Mottram
Tim Mottram 2012-7-23
Hi, I have managed to sort it. Totally my fault for copying code, I did take it of the Matlab website but I think that was for people that didn't use GUIDE.. The problem was this line. :
function plotColour_SelectionChangeFcn(hObject,eventdata)
needed an extra ",handles" as an input argument. But thanks for tipping me off, it was you asking if I had passed the handles structure that made me wonder. Thanks alto for your help guys, Ill try and be more careful in future. :)


更多回答(1 个)

Jan 2012-7-23
编辑:Jan 2012-7-23
If the variable handles is used, it has to be defined anywhere in the current workspace. This is not special for the SelectionChangeFcn, but a basic fact for all functions. These details are explained in the "Getting Started" chapters of the documentation.
If your function is defined as "plotColour_SelectionChangeFcn(hObject,eventdata)", you can get the figure's handles struct by:
handles = guidata(hObject);
such that my "hObj" is "hObject" here. You find more details at "doc guidata".


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