Attempting to write my data into a single CSV file.

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I am currently trying to record both the users keyboard response, and their reaction time associated with making each response to the image presented. I am struggling to identify a way in which I can write and save both the response and reaction time in the same CSV.file. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions? I currently have the following code;
d=21; %Number of images to load in is 21.
if d<1 || d>21 %A check to ensure that the correct number of images will be displayed.
disp('Error, the number of images loaded in out of range')
rts= (zeros(21, 1)); %rts is a numeric array, 21, 1, made up of zeros.
response=(zeros(21, 1)); % response is a numeric array, 21, 1, made up of zeros.
dirname= 'C:\Users\User\Documents\MATLAB\stimuli\'; %Location of stimuli
count= 0;
d=dir([dirname '*.jpg']);
for a =randperm(numel(d))% return scalar count of elements in matrix
%And randomly present the images under the variable of d.
a= imread(d(a).name); %read in images in desired folder
imshow(a) %show selected images
pause(2); %allow a 2 second pause between successive stimuli.
b= imread('FixationDot.jpg');% read in the fixation dot
imshow(b) %show the fixation dot between every letter
pause(0.5); %allow the fixation dot to remain there for 0.5 seconds
count= count+1;
response(count)= getkey(); %Gain user input
rts(count)= toc; %Record the time taken to produce a response from user
M= char(response); %convert ASCII codes to underlying char key press
csvwrite('response.csv', response); %writes user response into a CSV file
csvwrite('reaction_time.csv', rts); %writes users reaction time
Thank you to anyone that can help, I really appreciate it.


Ollie A
Ollie A 2019-1-30
编辑:Ollie A 2019-1-30
I would create a table, using the MATLAB function
T = table(response, reaction_time);
and then simply writing the table to a csv file:
The benefit of using table() is that you can easily include column headers.
You might also like to include the stimuli image number in another column, i.e.
T = table(imagenumber, response, reaction_time);
  2 个评论
Ollie A
Ollie A 2019-1-30
If you want to go further, you can first change the getkey() output from ASCII to a character by doing
response{count} = char(getkey());
Tables can handle data of different formats as well, so it doesn't matter that the first column is a cell array and the second is an array of numbers.


更多回答(1 个)

Andreas Kvalbein Fjetland
编辑:Andreas Kvalbein Fjetland 2019-1-30
This should do the trick
response = zeros(21,1);
rts = zeros(21,1);
% Looop
resultTable = table(response,rts);
Please use the code function in the editor next time. Makes your code easier to read and copy.


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