can i see the code of built in matlab function?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
i want to know how the code of a built in function works where can i see it
secondly there is a function raainflow in signal processing tooolbox under vibratiion analysis under fatigue analysis how do i use it do i have to have the latest version of matlab installed how do i install the specific toolbox for this and can it run on an older version


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-2-11
In order to see the code of a built in function you need to be hired by Mathworks or else have several billion dollars to buy the entire company .
The rainflow you found needs Signal Processing Toolbox r2017b or later.
If you look in the file Exchange there are at least two significant rainflow implementations .
  4 个评论
N/A 2019-2-12
actually i want to extract cycles from a random sound wave and then apply rainflow on it how can i do that?


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