how to to divide two images with different size ?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
i have two images, the first one size is 625x948x3 and the second one size is 633x948x3 .. how can i make the two images with the same size to make division correctly??


KSSV 2019-2-20
Read about imresize
  1 个评论
ghada sandoub
ghada sandoub 2019-2-20
thanks alot but i already read about imresize but still don't understand how to resize it or which command format is more suitable to my case.


更多回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019-2-20
How about imresize():
image2 = imresize(image2, [size(image1, 1), size(image1, 2)]); % Make rows and columns of image2 the same as image 1.


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