output file .txt

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have converted a .png image and each pixel to 16 bits and I want to save these bits in .txt file,but when I save my output file,my text file show the in each line the first bits and in the seconde line the seconde bits of the first pixel.....there is my code:
i want my file to be: in each line 16 bits
[sourcepic,phatsource]=uigetfile('*.png','C:\Users\hp\Desktop\images brutes LST\images brutes png\T4');
A=imread('C:\Users\hp\Desktop\images brutes LST\images brutes png\T4.png');
C=imresize(A,[695 316]);
fid = fopen('C:\Users\hp\Desktop\ K.txt', 'wt');


assaad el makhloufi
yes sir that what i mean how i can verify that each bits of this image is truely converted to 16 bits? what i see its just add 0 to complet the 16 bits
  1 个评论
Sheng Chen
Sheng Chen 2019-3-4
Hi, you can print out "d" which holds decimal of each pixels. Then compare "d" with your txt file which stores binary of each pixels. Each row of "d" should match the each row of your txt file. If you are not familiar with how to convert a decimal number to a binary number, please refer to Decimal to Binary converter.
Note: you may notice that the most significant bit of those binary numbers stored in your txt file is in the right-most position. If you want your most siginificant bit in the left-most position, you can try
R=de2bi(d,16 ,'left-msb');


更多回答(4 个)

Sheng Chen
Sheng Chen 2019-3-1
Try this:
[sourcepic,phatsource]=uigetfile('*.png','C:\Users\hp\Desktop\images brutes LST\images brutes png\T4');
A=imread('C:\Users\hp\Desktop\images brutes LST\images brutes png\T4.png');
C=imresize(A,[695 316]);
dlmwrite('C:\Users\hp\Desktop\ K.txt',R,'delimiter','\t')

assaad el makhloufi
thanks sir for you reply,i have already use dlmwrite
and its works, my probleme is that file txt i want to used in my testbensh vhdl but he doesnt readed correcly because dlmwrite is stored data like tab so i cant read my file in vhdl , so i want just to stored this data in .txt 16 bits per lines without spach or gomma or to be like tab
  2 个评论
Sheng Chen
Sheng Chen 2019-3-1
I see, so I guess the format that you want is like the following.
How about converting these bits into string?
A=imread('C:\Users\hp\Desktop\images brutes LST\images brutes png\T4.png');
C=imresize(A,[695 316]);
fid = fopen('C:\Users\hp\Desktop\ K.txt', 'wt');
for i = 1 : size(R(:,1))
r = sprintf('%d', R(i,:));
fprintf(fid, '%s\n',r);
Lello Florence
Lello Florence 2019-3-7
你好 Sheng Chen
I find this thread of significant help. I would like to know how to do the same process for an RGB image so that I can obtain a 24 bits pixel R G B.


assaad el makhloufi
thanks sir its working now ,another question if you please,how can I verify that this image conversion and conversion of pixel to 16 bits
  1 个评论
Sheng Chen
Sheng Chen 2019-3-3
Hi, could you please expain your question more clearly? Do you mean how you can verify that each bits of this image is truely converted to 16 bits?


assaad el makhloufi
yes sir that what i meant


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