Extracting numerical results from a text file at different positions
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I have a number of output files to process, written out from Finite Element Analysis software, from which I need to extract data.
I need to extract data under 2 different "headings" from each of the files. However, each of the files has these headings at different rows. I have attached a "zipped" file with 2 files indicating this problem.
The following screenshots show the "headings" highlighted and the numerical data to be extracted, shown inside a "box":
First Heading
Second Heading
I have tried a number of options in Matlab, but I am overwhelmed as I am new to Matlab and programming.
Any assistance and guidance, would be much appreciated.
good catch, my bad:) it was late at night. This should work. In either case if you are learning MATLAB, regexp are very powerful. They exist in many languages, it is worth understanding them:)
a = fileread('0295_PhD_AB~Analysis 1.txt');
% find ( H A R M O N I C = \d )
[b,c] = regexp(a,'( H A R M O N I C = \d )','tokens');
result = table();
% find the 2nd and the 6th number in the table
for i = 1:length(c)
aux = (a(c(i)+586:c(i)+700));
d = regexp(aux,'([0-9.E-+]*)','tokens');
result = [result;table(repmat(b{i},2,1),[d{2};d{6}])];
result.Var2 = str2double(result.Var2);
更多回答(1 个)
There is probably an easier way to do this... but this should help. (I am using R2018b).
a = fileread('0295_PhD_AB~Analysis 1.txt');
% find ( H A R M O N I C = \d )
[b,c] = regexp(a,'( H A R M O N I C = \d )','tokens');
result = table();
% find
for i = 1:length(c)
aux = (a(c(i)+586:c(i)+700));
d = regexp(aux,'([0-9.E-]*)','tokens');
result = [result;table(repmat(b{i},2,1),[d{2};d{7}])];
2 个评论
You can always convert the last column into doubles...
result.Var2 = str2double(result.Var2);
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