Serial Communication with Arduino

58 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want that a serial communication with an Arduino.
They can communicate. I did it over the serial Connection without addons.
As next step I want to send with MatLab a "start send" message to the Arduino. At the moment the Arduino receive the message the controller should start the programm to send the data to matLab.
Sadly it doesnt work.
I hope that you can help me!
Thanks Lisa

回答(1 个)

Mark Sherstan
Mark Sherstan 2019-3-22
Your code should look something like this. Not the fprintf on the MATLAB side and the if (Serial.avilable() > 0 ) on the Arduino side.
% s is the serial port object...
fprintf(s, 'a'); % Send character to ardiuno
out = fscanf(s, '%40s\n'); % Read data from ardiuno
split = strsplit(out, ','); % Seperate data based off commas
% Continue to process...
void setup(){
... set up
void loop(){
... data acquistion and processing
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
incomingString = Serial.readString();
if (incomingString == "a\n") {
Serial.print(data1); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(data2);
  4 个评论
Lisa-Sophie Baier
Lisa-Sophie Baier 2019-3-27
Later on this should be my goal, yes.
For now I just want to send an Array from the Arduino to MatLab to work there with the data.
Mark Sherstan
Mark Sherstan 2019-3-27
I would reccomend having the Ardiuno just printing a single analog value and use MATLAB to create your array of data for processing. You will have to modify the code below depending on the size of your array but this is a fully working system that should push you in the right direction. You may also want to consider checking out this link.
// Declare variables
int rawSensorVal;
String incomingString;
void setup(){
// Initialize serial port
void loop(){
// Read analog pin
rawSensorVal = analogRead(A0);
// Check if MATLAB has sent a character
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
incomingString = Serial.readString();
// If character is correct send MATLAB the analog value
if (incomingString == "a\n") {
% Connect to serial port
s = serial('/dev/cu.usbmodem14101', 'BaudRate', 115200);
fprintf("Connection established\n")
% Start a counter and timer
count = 0;
startTimer = toc;
% Get data for 5 seconds
while (toc < startTimer+5)
% Send character and receive data
fprintf(s, "a");
out = fscanf(s, '%d\n');
% Display data to user
% Increment counter
count = count + 1;
% Display sample rate to user
endTimer = toc;
fprintf("Sample rate was: %0.2f Hz\n",count/(endTimer - startTimer))
% Remove serial port connection
clear s



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