how to plot fewer marker ?

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plot(VarName10, VarName9,'Marker','*','MarkerIndices',1:100:length(VarName9));
I tried this but it shows error
Error using plot
Invalid property found.
Object Name: line
Property Name: 'MarkerIndices'.
How to do that?
Thanks in advance!


Raghunandan V
Raghunandan V 2019-3-14
Can't you just delete a few data from VarName10?
You can write a simple code like this
VarNamePlot = VarName10;
m = length(VarNamePlot);
index = [1:m]
OddIndices = index(rem(index,2) == 1)
VarNamePlot10 = VarName10(OddIndices);
VarnamePlot9 = VarName9(OddIndices);
And then use VarNamePlot to plot . This will reduce the number of points to plot.
Or just use
plot(VarName10, VarName9, '*')
  2 个评论
Umang Dongre
Umang Dongre 2019-3-15
yes I did,
plot(VarName10, VarName9, 'Marker', '*')
but I want to increce spacing in between them.
Raghunandan V
Raghunandan V 2019-3-15
Oh... In that case you have to zoom in the cant do it here programatically.


更多回答(1 个)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2019-3-15
The MarkerIndices property was introduced in release R2016b. If you're using an older release, consider upgrading to R2016b or a later release.


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