using dc to dc boost converter multistage to boost 48v dc to 400v dc .

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Iam working on dc to dc boost converter 4-stage (marx topology boost converter) . the best result which i got to boost 48v is 75v . How can i boost 48v to 400v by this converter ?
The simulink module as follow

回答(1 个)

Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel 2024-6-4
There is nothing stopping you from using a boost converter to step up to a higher voltage, but you have to design it properly to be able to support 400V at the load that you provide. You active front end to the boost converter is also going to effect behavior. You should start by creating a single boost converter than works from 48V to 400V at the power level you will need for the full circuit. Then you can add the active front end and additional boost converters.


更多回答在  Power Electronics Control


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