Plotting multiple inputs on a single figure
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Hello again
Does anybody know how i can plot a graph that looks like this or point me in the direction of a good tutorial that will help me figure it out? I have 8 sensor readings for a number of different movements and I want to display each sensors readings on a single figure like this opposed to using subplots, is this possible?
Thanks in advance
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Star Strider
Example —
t = linspace(0, 36, 250); % Create Data
y = sin([1:6]'*t*2*pi); % Create Data
yofst = bsxfun(@plus, y, (1:size(y,1))'*2); % Add Constant Offset Values To Each Row
plot(t, yofst)
After that, you can do whatever you like with the tick values and labels. See the documentation for Axes Properties (link) and related functions.
Experiment to get the result you want.
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Bob Thompson
I you are looking for separate plots like that I would suggest using subplot. This will allow you to present multiple plots in one figure.
Alternatively, you can also plot multiple sets of data into one plot by entering 'hold on' somewhere before the second set of data is plotted (must be activated for each figure, if multiple figures are being created). I believe newer versions of Matlab automatically change the color of the lines for each data set, but it is also possible to do this manually.
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