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How to capture many warnings at startup

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
KAE 2019-4-8
关闭: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021-8-20
All my mfiles on my path have gotten accidentally relocated on my computer, so that now when I start Matlab, I get warnings like
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\exampleDirectory
I want to make sure that I get a list of all the relocated directories, so I can confirm that nothing disappeared during the accidental relocation. But I am worried that this list is truncated since it is 5 screens long when my Matlab command window is maximized. Is there a setting that controls how many screens of warnings I can scroll up through? The warnings list didn't get longer when I set Preferences > Command Window > Number of lines in command window scroll buffer to 25,000 instead of the default 5,000, so is there no truncation? Or is there a way I can send the output of all warnings from startup to a diary file? Note that these warnings are thrown before startup.m even executes.

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