Passing struct from Java to Matlab
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Dear all,
I would like to create a Matlab struct in Java and then pass it to Matlab.
To do this, I created the following member function of my already existing class:
public Struct pollMatlab(){
return new Struct("p", 2, "q", 3);
I also imported the packages
import com.mathworks.engine.*;
import com.mathworks.matlab.types.*;
However, when I call the function, I don't get a nice struct, but an object of type
The keys and values contained in this object are as expected. I then tried to convert the java-object to its Matlab equivalent by simply using struct (inspired from the documentation here). This, however, yields an empty struct.
I have the feeling that using the matlab.types.Struct should immediately lead to a proper Matlab struct. Am I missing something?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards
Torsten Knüppel
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