How to train data using SOM and map the resukts on data

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Pleases help me. I am stuck in how to train data using SOM and map the results on data. I am using the data file, having dimension 100 by 30. First, I want to apply som to train it and them classify the classes.Please help me to solve this problem. Its very important and urgent also.
  4 个评论
KSSV 2019-4-12
What approach you have used? gui or code? what? Show us code.
AS 2019-4-12
Using Somtoolbox. The data has been classified into 4 classes. But I dont know how to map these classes using som_colorcode on data. So that I will get the classes depth wise. If you have any idea please help me in this


回答(2 个)

KSSV 2019-4-12
Hope this demo might help you:
X = rands(2,1000); % some random input
net = selforgmap([2 2]); % divide into four groups
net = configure(net,X);
net.trainParam.epochs = 1;
net = train(net,X);
% Groups
Y = vec2ind(net(X)) ;
% Testing
x = [0.5;0.3];
y = vec2ind(net(x)) % the give input belongs to this group
  7 个评论
Adam 2019-4-15
Why train for 1 epoch only? I would think you'd need a few hundred, especially with coverSteps explicitly set at 100


AS 2019-4-15
It is not working properly. For I have simply calculated best matching unit after training which gives proper classification. And epoch I have used 200


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