what is the difference between rgb2gray and im2bw ?

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to know the difference between the two functions ... arent both convert the rgb image to black and white image ?!


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-4-21
No, rgb2gray() converts to grayscale. For uint8 images, the output could have up to 256 unique values in the matrix. im2bw() converts to bi-level, and has only 2 unique values in its output matrix.
Effectively rgb2gray() converts RGB to "brightness", whereas im2bw() converts to two color ("logical" data type in fact.)
  2 个评论
Mahmoud Hassan
Mahmoud Hassan 2019-4-21
编辑:Mahmoud Hassan 2019-4-21
its about that i face a problem in my code when i read image then try to binarize it using imb2w ... thats the error " Error using im2bw>parse_inputs (line 97)
IM2BW: Truecolor RGB image has to be an M-by-N-by-3 array."
so i thougt i have to use rgb2gray first then use imb2w ... am i right ?!
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-4-21
You can apply im2bw() to an RGB image or to a grayscale image.
But as discussed in my answer to your other question, https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/457695-how-to-know-if-image-is-rgb#answer_371591 there is a possibility that you are not using an RGB image. You might have RGBA or you might have a DICOM volume. Or maybe what you are passing is not a numeric array at all. Check with class() and size()


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