how to separate points into two vectors from structure

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Target Position Index
1x1 Line [76,76] 76
1x1 Line [71,71] 71
1x1 Line [67,67] 67
1x1 Line [63,63] 63
1x1 Line [59,59] 59
1x1 Line [55,55] 55
1x1 Line [49,49] 49


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-4-28
P1 = arrayfun(@(S) S.Position(1), YourStructure);
P2 = arrayfun(@(S) S.Position(2), YourStructure);
pos = vertcat(YourStructure.Position);
P1 = pos(:,1);
P2 = pos(:,2);

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