Hi Alan,
It seems like you're encountering a frustrating issue with setting up the MATLAB kernel in JupyterLab on Windows. Let's go through a systematic approach to resolve this problem without having to uninstall Anaconda.
Steps to resolve the issue:
1. Check MATLAB Installation:Ensure that MATLAB is installed correctly and that you can run it independently of JupyterLab.
2. Verify MATLAB Kernel Installation: The MATLAB kernel for Jupyter is provided by the `imatlab` package. First, ensure it's installed correctly:
pip install imatlab
3. Set Up the MATLAB Engine API for Python: MATLAB needs to be configured to work with Python.
4. Check Environment Variables: Ensure that the `PATH` environment variable includes the directory where MATLAB is installed. This allows Jupyter to locate the MATLAB executable.
5. Verify Jupyter Kernel Configuration: Check if the MATLAB kernel is listed when you run:
jupyter kernelspec list
- If `imatlab` is not listed, try reinstalling the kernel.
Hope this helps.