How can I read data via SCI and display it in Simulink?

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello again,
I am using the TMS570LS0432 MCU from Texas instruments and I would like to view my results of the working programm with simulink.
In the programm I am displaying data via the SCI-interface in the terminal. Instead of this i would like to visualize it in Simulink also with the SCI.
I have already downloaded the embedded coder and the c2000 processor support packages for simulink, but i actually don't know how to set this up with simulink.
I have several different datatypes (8x Byte and ~45 Bit) i am transferring via the SCI in a loop. And therefore I already don't know how I should setup this receive block and then how to display the data.
Do you have some advice or a tutorial? I actually just want to read the SCI and, if possible, don't want to generate code with the embedded coder, so I don't have to change my programm...
Kind regards

回答(1 个)

Venkatesh Chilapur
Venkatesh Chilapur 2019-4-29
Please checkout the 2 model approach at page:
section: Fast Serial Data Monitoring
Venkatesh C

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