Polyspace crashes with "@FFT: no type for var='W747v'"

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I observe polyspace crashing (terminating a verification, not dumping core) when I verify a certain set of source files.
Interestingly, I've tracked it down to a problem with our third party RTOS vendor's header files. I.e. when I run the verification with header of version X, all is well, with headers of version X+1, polyspace crashes with "FFT: no type for var='W747v'" in Level 1, and goes straight to "Post Verification".
Polyspace suggests to open a bug report, but this is for R2013a for which we don't have support.
I tried to figure out what change in headers from version X to X+1 are causing the problem, but the diff is quite large.
Now, a clue might be in the exact error message: "No type for var". Should I look for things like "implicit int" declarations where there is no type? What should I look for? What kind of C statement/declaration would cause this error message?


Jens Schweikhardt
Jens Schweikhardt 2019-5-22
SOLVED! I tracked it down to an illegal (in ISO C) declaration of a zero sized array. GNU gcc only warns if -pedantic is used and Polyspace R2013a silently accepts it. If I change this defnition (used for RTEMS configuration magic) from
const char _Configuration_Interrupt_stack_area_end[ 0 ];
const char _Configuration_Interrupt_stack_area_end[ 1 ];
Polyspace no longer has an internal error.

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