cannot send an email through matlab

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
Im not being able to send an email thgourh matlab.... My google account allow external applications to use it....
here is the code.... any suggestions?
setpref('Internet', 'SMTP_Server', '');
setpref('Internet', 'SMTP_Username', username);
setpref('Internet', 'SMTP_Password', password);
props = java.lang.System.getProperties;
props.setProperty('mail.smtp.auth', 'true'); % Note: 'true' as a string, not a logical value!
props.setProperty('mail.smtp.starttls.enable', 'true'); % Note: 'true' as a string, not a logical value!
props.setProperty('mail.smtp.socketFactory.port', '465'); % Note: '465' as a string, not a numeric value!
props.setProperty('mail.smtp.socketFactory.class', '');
sendmail('another@email', 'Hello world')


Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019-5-3
编辑:Adam Danz 2019-5-3
Mario, follow this demo on how to send an email from a gmail account using matlab. You're close - you just have to make some small adjustment.
Feel free to leave a comment if you get stuck.
  5 个评论
Mario Trevino
Mario Trevino 2019-5-3
OK found the problem.. it was my AVAST antivirus protection.
thank you very much!
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019-5-3
Ah, this is also a common problem. I'll update that post to mention this. Thanks for following up!


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