MCC DAQ driver warning

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
The following error shows up when I type
aout1 = analogoutput('mcc',1)
and hit enter.
Warning: Warning: Measurement Computing InstaCal version 5.85 or later is required, version 5.24 was detected. Some analog output signals will be incorrect
with this device. We strongly recommend an update to InstaCal version 5.85 or later.
The strange part is that I actually have InstaCal 6.24 installed on my computer. I don't know if this is relevant but I have two MCC DAQ boards on the PCI buses. Also, board 0 has 8 analog output channels and board 1 has 4. However, when I try to add channels after the warning is issued, I can only add 3 for either of the boards. Please HELP!
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-8-15
Which MATLAB version?
Md. Ashfaque
Md. Ashfaque 2012-8-16
Version (R2011b)



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-8-15
What happens when you try to add beyond channel 3?
This sounds perhaps similar (but perhaps not identical) to bug #817317 over here in R2012a

更多回答(2 个)

Md. Ashfaque
Md. Ashfaque 2012-8-16
This is the command and the result from Matlab that i get
>> outch = addchannel(aout1, 4)
Error using daqdevice/addchannel (line 198) Unable to set HwChannel above maximum value of 3.

Md. Ashfaque
Md. Ashfaque 2012-8-16
I know what I was doing wrong. I tried adding channels with a vector of 1:4 but for hardware...channels are numbered from 0 through 3. That is why I was not allowed to add channel 4 (which should really be numbered as 3).
Thanks everyone for your help.
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-8-16
Hmmm -- this does not seem to explain why you were not able to add beyond 3 for the board with 8 channels ?
Md. Ashfaque
Md. Ashfaque 2012-8-16
No, for whatever reasons I am not being able to add more than 4 channels for the board that has 8 channels.
I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that the driver Matlab is detecting is an old one. I still did not find a solution to that problem. Any ideas?



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