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How to read large data and plot them in matlab

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi. I have a file containing digit numbers with a large number of rows and three columns, generated by C program. When I use the ImportData to import them only half of the first coloumn and most of the second one are imported. The remaining get NaN. How can I import all the data of column 1 and 2 and plot them?
Thank you
  8 个评论
Davoud 2019-5-8
编辑:Davoud 2019-5-8
In fact, Import Data works and opens a file where three upper rows are explanations and the other ones are numbers. In order to plot, I import again the coloumn 1 and 2. They are saved in Workspace as two separeted files (vec1 and vec2) where almost all the numbers can be retrived in command window. But when I use the plot command, the resulted figure is half of the expected one. The values of bigger than 0 of x axis become NaN and are not shown in the figure.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-5-8
Importdata cannot handle fixed width fields except when there just happens to be one or more spaces between fields every time.

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