Powergui FFT Analysis Tool doesn't work!

121 次查看(过去 30 天)
When I use the Powergui FFT Analysis Tool (in the matlab 2019a), I find it can'work. In the module of "Available signals","Name" and "Input" are always "Empty", though I have selected “Log data to workspace” and "structure with time".Are there any other parameters to set?2.PNG
  4 个评论



Zhengjin Wang
Zhengjin Wang 2019-5-18
I met the same trouble as yours! I found in old vesion things are not so complex. What they did in upgrade?
btw, are you also a student doing a physical experiment?
  23 个评论


更多回答(3 个)

Tin Truong Chanh
Tin Truong Chanh 2021-12-4
Try this: it works with my case:
  1. Go to model Configuration Parameter and select Data Import/Export pane on the left
  2. Untick the Single simulation output and click on Apply
  13 个评论
Neharika 2024-11-21
编辑:Neharika 2024-11-21
i dont know..i tried everything..its still not working..


Haritha 2019-5-8
Try this methods
1.Try to log the data into workspace otherwise.
2.This FFT window will work only after the successfull running of your model
3. Close the simulink model once and run it again

Md Jasim Uddin
Md Jasim Uddin 2024-10-11
i am also facing the same problem


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