Plotting patchm or fillm on Geoplot or geoscatter

16 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can I plot a filled polygon using fillm or patchm on geoscatter?
I get:
Error using gcm (line 25)
Not a map axes.
Error in patchm (line 44)
mstruct = gcm;

回答(1 个)

Naga 2024-11-26
Hello Navad,
To plot a filled polygon on a map using `fillm` or `patchm`, you need to ensure that you are working with a map axes. The error you are encountering indicates that the current axes is not recognized as a map axes. Here is an example to plot a filled polygon using 'fillm' on a map axes:
% Create a figure
% Initialize map axes with a Mercator projection
ax = axesm('MapProjection', 'mercator', 'Frame', 'on', 'Grid', 'on');
% Set the map limits for latitude and longitude
setm(ax, 'MapLatLimit', [33 36], 'MapLonLimit', [-119 -116]);
% Define latitude and longitude for the polygon vertices
lat = [34, 34, 35, 35];
lon = [-118, -117, -117, -118];
% Plot the filled polygon on the map axes
fillm(lat, lon, 'r'); % 'r' specifies the color red
% Add title and labels
title('Filled Polygon using fillm on Map Axes');




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