How do I use MATLAB Parallel Server for a Campus-Wide License?

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MathWorks Support Team
编辑:MathWorks Support Team 2022-5-10
There are two licensing options for MATLAB Parallel Server: Online Licensing and Local Licensing.

Online Licensing

Online Licensing allows you to use a cluster in the Cloud on MathWorks Cloud Center or setup your own dedicated cluster locally. Your cluster will reach back to the MathWorks Servers to verify its license.
The first step is to have your administrator add you to the license, once done you can use the MathWorks Cloud Center to setup your cluster.
After you are listed on the MATLAB Parallel Server license, the link below will guide you through using the Cloud Center, setting up an Amazon account, and the other needed steps. For information on the MathWorks Cloud Center:
MathWorks Cloud Center
If you are not trying to setup a cluster in the cloud and instead are trying to run it on your personal cluster hardware with Online Licensing then please see the link below:
How do I configure my cluster to utilize a Online Licensing MATLAB Parallel Server License?

Local Licensing

The second option is for large scale clusters that cannot connect to the internet. These are usually data centers and HPC clusters already setup by the University. In order to access this type of cluster, please contact your University to see what they have available.
If you are an administrator and want to setup a large scale HPC cluster, then please see the link below for those instructions:
How do I setup MATLAB Parallel Server?

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