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Is there a switch that turns on for a specific amount of time? That does not depend on the system's time.

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Is there a switch in simulink that turns on for a specific amount of time then turns off?
For context, the orange signal runs for 1s and I want a switch that becomes closed when the orange signal < 0 and sends a yellow signal that runs for 0.5s.
Currently i am using a switch that is set at >= -0.00001 (when the signal goes down)
Any help is appreciated! Thank you!

回答(1 个)

Shivam Sardana
Shivam Sardana 2019-5-23
An Enabled Subsystem can be used for your requirement. Whenever orange signal is less than 0, an enabler can be set to 1 and send to Enabled Subsystem which runs yellow signal for 0.5 seconds. A Switch can be used whose output can be passed to Scope.




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